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March 15, 2022
Q1 2022: Greatest Hits

Looking for stats on market volatility in uncertain times? These stock market numbers going back to 1950 might help you stay the course. In addition, here’s an overview of 2022’s 1st quarter in all the issues that matter: stock and bond returns, money market assets, growth vs value, interest rates, and the effects of inflation. Included is an important visual showing how a diversified portfolio can work even when it may not feel so good.

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February 22, 2022
So goes January . . . ?

Along with historical stats on how stock returns followed a positive vs. negative January, this Student of the Market explores stock market volatility, the effects of the Fed raising interest rates by looking at past periods of higher interest rates, and more numbers on headline inflation.

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January 25, 2022
Returns Following Interest Rate Hikes in the Past

How has US stock and bond performance been affected by previous interest rate hikes by the Feds? January’s Student of the Market also takes a brief look at the last 3 years of stock market returns and examines diversified portfolio emotions, money market assets and important inflation considerations.

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December 28, 2021
Looking to Consecutive Years for Insight

Three strong years in a row for stocks and consecutive years with negative bond returns are considered in this December issue of Student of the Market. Stock market volatility in the past decade, growth versus value, and inflation stats as well.

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November 16, 2021
Turkey to Tax: Seasonal Stock Returns

Seasonal Stocks and Bond Market returns, with a focus on stocks by size and stock sectors can be found in this month’s Student of the Market. Is there a seasonal period of higher returns historically? A look at 2021 as one of the worst years ever for bonds. Plus income asset classes and a breakdown of food inflation over a 12 month period.

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October 19, 2021
Is Value Poised for a Big Bounce?

This Student of the Market looks at what happened in September with stock market returns and an overview of 2021 for bond market returns. Growth versus Value is charted along with Long-Term Bond returns, and alternative fund flows. A helpful chart illustrates a broad category and specific category breakdown of what goes into Headline inflation.

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September 21, 2021
17th Best Start to a Year for Stocks

A brief look at the 20 best starts in history for stocks and how the last 4 months of the year could unfold. Also included in this Student of the Market are stats on the seasonality of U.S. stocks, a review of both stock and bond fund flows, housing price inflation and a visual on the value of systemic investing.

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August 24, 2021
Are the Prices Right? Understanding Inflation

Inflation touches everyone’s purchasing power. This Student of the Market Special Edition is designed to answer questions you might have about the current inflation challenge. It also gives a historical context and provides data insight into portfolio performance during inflationary periods.

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July 21, 2021
Historic Tandem Stock and Bond Returns

We’ve only seen 4 other time periods since 1926 with back-to-back calendar years of both stock returns above 16% and bond returns above 7%. This Student of the Market for July looks at those stats, along with the top 20 best starts to a year for stocks, long-term equity cycles, taxable bond fund flows and interesting inflation disconnects.

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June 23, 2021
Bond Returns After A "Worst" Start

2021 had the 4th worst start for bonds. This Student of the Market looks at how “Worst Starts” bounce back historically. Combine this with the stats on the 3rd best start for value stocks. Also included are insights for cash on the sidelines, equity fund assets, investing signals, and recent inflation basics.

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