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Hope and Life after COVID-19

hope with peaceful color background and dandelion blowing in the wind
There is little doubt that a time will come when we say the worst is behind us, but life after COVID-19 will likely look much different. During this time of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and anxiety, we thought it would be a good idea to provide some light-hearted, but heart-felt, recommendations:
April 4, 2020
hope with peaceful color background and dandelion blowing in the wind
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Hope and Life After COVID-19

There is little doubt that a time will come when we say the worst of is behind us, but life after COVID-19 will likely look much different. Few events are as truly worldwide as this or have had such a rapid impact on shaping our daily lives and routines.  Our personal, social, financial, educational, and professional lives have all been suddenly disrupted.  Moving forward many of our social and cultural norms are likely to be forever altered.

During this time of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and anxiety we thought it would be a good idea to provide some light-hearted, but heart-felt, recommendations:

Into Hope

Onto What Truly Matters

Others on Doing the Same

It’s important to keep the big picture in mind no matter how disruptive things feel right now. It’s an unfortunate axiom of life that coming through the other side of a major tragedy is what makes us stronger if we allow it to.  When we overcome adversity, we often gain a new appreciation for family, loved ones, and life itself.  When we work together, we can find strength in our individual and collective faith and find the fortitude to move forward in hope.

The current events of the past few months are no different. If we work together, we will come stronger individually and as a community.  Regardless of what the immediate future holds, by holding on to what is truly important we can weather the storm and overcome any challenges that might lay ahead. 

We feel so blessed to have clients, so many of whom we consider to be close friends, and each one of you is an important part of the Strong Valley family.  Our business was born out of a desire to do business differently and to be able to best serve our clients – in good times, in bad times, and times such as these.

It is also in times like these that we can look forward to amazing new changes, opportunities, and innovations that will undoubtedly come from the creative entrepreneurial spirit.  We’ve provided some links below that you may find inspiring.  There are stories from past tragedies, and even more recent stories from the current coronavirus pandemic.

As we have communicated in recent emails, by phone, and in our (virtual or face-to-face) meetings please know that we are working on your behalf.  We will be keeping an eye on the markets, monitoring your situation, and working to help protect your goals and dreams.  Our aim is to provide you with peace of mind so you can focus on your life, your business, your retirement, and most importantly – time with your loved ones. 

Obviously, nobody can predict the future.  As financial advisors we often let people know that “past performance is no guarantee of future results” – but in this case, we’re pretty confident in stating that acting in hope and within the best of our humanity is never bad advice. 

Your Turn:

What are you looking most forward to as we put the coronavirus in the rearview mirror? Let us know below!

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