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July 2021

Strong Valley kicks off this quarter's theme of "Being Prepared."

For the next three months we'll be focusing on tools and steps that can help you prepare for near- and long-term risks, in your finances and in life.

Our feature article: “How COVID Might Forever Change Benefit Plans” is in response to questions that have been asked about how COVID is affecting the workplace. This article examines a few trends to watch so you can be prepared, whether you're hiring or considering an employment change.

July 10, 2021
Important Disclosure: Content on our website and in our newsletters is for informational purposes only. The information provided may (or may not) directly apply to your situation. We recommend that readers work directly with a professional advisor when making decisions in the context of their specific situation.

BEING PREPARED - Here's a quick preview of our upcoming topics:

  • JULY - Insuring Against Risks 
  • AUGUST - Retirement Planning
  • SEPTEMBER - Preparing for the Inevitable

In this edition, we've also provided a review of the most popular articles of the last quarter, just in case you missed them.

Featured Article: How COVID Might Forever Change Benefit Plans

In Case You Missed It:

ON TRACK: What Should You Be Thinking About this Quarter?

  • Have I considered insurance part of my financial planning?  How can I protect myself and my family?
  • Am I saving enough now to afford what I want to do later?  Have I considered how inflation may affect my retirement plan?
  • How can I adapt to changing economic times?  Do I have a financial plan if something happens to a loved one? 

Recommended Featured Articles

  • How COVID Might Forever Change Benefit Plans

    With the pandemic disrupting businesses, employers recognize that benefit plans need to adapt to compete for and retain the best talent.  Companies of all sizes are likely to see lots of permanent changes. This article examines a few trends to watch this year and next.
    Read More
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